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Try a little bit of Lorien.

Make plans now for a short-term stay.

A short-term stay at Lorien Assisted Living is more than just a nice visit. It’s a chance to help determine if Lorien is right for your loved one.

For just $250 a day, all inclusive, they’ll have the same wonderful experience as any full-time Lorien Assisted Living resident. They’ll enjoy a fully furnished, modern apartment in a vibrant, social setting, rich with activities and new friendships. They’ll eat chef-prepared meals in our dining room, enjoy beauty salons, movie theaters, ice cream parlors, and more, all unique by location. And all with a licensed nurse on-site 24 hours a day, something you won’t always find at other assisted living providers.

It’s a way to discover Lorien without committing to full time.

It can give you the flexibility to travel, vacation and handle other commitments, while giving your loved one a warm, welcoming place to visit. And it can fortify you all with a sometimes much-needed change of pace.

Give Lorien a try. Start planning your short-term visit today.


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